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Why LA Agency? A modern and intelligent approach to selling your home combining traditional beliefs and modern practices whilst delivering exceptional property agency from start to finish.

If you would like to achieve the best result for your property, hand-held from start to finish with the comfort of our commitment to working with you exclusively, then please do reach out.

Why LA Agency? A modern and intelligent approach to selling your home combining traditional beliefs and modern practices whilst delivering exceptional property agency from start to finish.

If you would like to achieve the best result for your property, hand-held from start to finish with the comfort of our commitment to working with you exclusively, then please do reach out.

Maddie Lewingon
Maddie Lewingon
In 2001, I started my career in the property industry whilst living and working in Cheltenham. Having gained a wealth of experience, being fortunate to work for three leading international estate agencies within the area, I later moved to London to continue my property journey. I maintained an excellent track record working for a dynamic company in London, based in Notting Hill and Kensington. I am excited to have combined all these experiences, my knowledge and visions to create a bespoke estate agency, LA Agency. I’m extremely passionate about our brand and our fresh, forward way of thinking.

Telephone: 01242 500404
Mobile: 07887 891441
Brigitte Althorp-Gormlay
Brigitte Althorp-Gormlay
I naturally gravitated to working in the property industry, having initially spent time in Hong Kong. My career in estate agency began in Cheltenham during 2001 whilst working for an international agent and latterly, an independent agency. My enthusiasm, passion and energy for property has driven me to increase my knowledge resulting in an excellent reputation with my clients. I am tenacious and always act with integrity and transparency. I am incredibly excited about our new venture and confident in our ability to showcase a fresh, independent approach to the property market.

Telephone: 01242 500404
Mobile: 07801 666969

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